Wednesday, December 2, 2009

User Interface?

I am sitting here in the Acme Coffee Co. on SE Hawthorne in Portland with my propeller-head friend, Jeff trying to figure out how people can comment on my BuzzTheHill blog without having a Ph. D. in how do you do that really complicated propeller-head thing to allow you to dialog as a reader with the author of said blog. If you have any of the above qualifications, a comment to this entry is welcome.


  1. The mystery is solved. Of course the user interface is still clunky, but I think the new setting is better. What used to be required, was that you were actually logged on to some form of google (at least for me). I don't have an openID account, so I couldn't try every choice. The UI issue for me is that the "comment as" section is not explained well.

    SO, to enable anonymous user comments, the blog owner must access the dashboard, edit the settings for each blog they write and change the comments settings to allow the anonymous user. Still, nothing seems to default... you must still "select your user" .


  2. Owner Ken points out that Acme is just North off SE Hawthorne at 40th.
