Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Do Tell

Absent from posting to the log lately. Here is my story, and I am sticking’ to it.

What a hearing adventure I have been on. It started in April and it is now nearing the end of August.

Hammering and banging for weeks as we reside the house (Hibbard Studio). Last Saturday was the Hill family re-union in Portlandia, we met at the Studio. Then we went to McMenamin's Cornelius Pass Roadhouse where it was smokey from the wild fires to the east but was a hearing and culinary delight otherwise.

But the streamer to my hearing instrumens is still not working correctly. More evidence of a conspiracy which I passed along to Oticon Transactional Excellence Manager in New Jersey. She is working on a solution.


© 2015 Buzz Hill

1 comment:

  1. For what it's worth, I've been fighting with my aunt's as well. It's very flaky when connecting to (say) the phone's bluetooth (though the audiologist blames it on the phone). I also note that the streamer reviews on Amazon are anything but glowing. But when it does work, she's ecstatic.
