Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Advanced Patient Advocacy
"We make up for the huge disparity in representation with a type of homogenous volume. Allow me to elucidate …
"As we have discussed before here, few phenomena come even close to the power of voices who speak as one. Each voice has an abiding interest in health. Some would argue those interests extend beyond self."
NOTE: Some of the foregoing in this BuzzTheHill post is not fictional. Consider its appearance here as a public disclosure and as such, to the degree something novel and not obvious to those skilled in the art has been discussed herein, the specific intent was/is to put it in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
American Way
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Who me? |
"It is simple, we intend to save our way to prosperity. Its the bedrock of capitalism."
"I heard a different version of capitalism. Invest (with attendant risk) in the idea that we can make the future better.
"Implicit in the enlightened version of self-interest is to realize that merely shifting the burden of said investment to the defenseless is an insult to caring people everywhere and disingenuous. That predatory meme has run its ruinous course.
"Citizens of the country have been patient waiting for the ruling class to fix the economy, as promised. It hasn't worked, in their view. They voted for real change and have reached the end of their patience in seeing their wishes fulfulled."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Saturday, December 29, 2012
"The pattern is easy to recognize now.
"Sorry. I am blocking our working title of it at the moment. Something about veracity. I'll think of it.
"Recall defamation as a tactic to cover up inappropriate reaction to one's own envy. Controlling a conversation containing a query regarding the defamation with drama sometimes follows".
A grain of truth co-opted for a fascinating and still largely secret agenda that may or may not have serious nefarious intent. Projecting uncertain risk is legendary mind-washing technique. Make of it what you will in this context.
"A sophisticated control mechanism, but difficult to sustain. Too many folks sharing observations about conflicting views of the same event undermine its medium.
"What is next?"
"Maybe. Waiting is?"
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"Sorry. I am blocking our working title of it at the moment. Something about veracity. I'll think of it.
"Recall defamation as a tactic to cover up inappropriate reaction to one's own envy. Controlling a conversation containing a query regarding the defamation with drama sometimes follows".
A grain of truth co-opted for a fascinating and still largely secret agenda that may or may not have serious nefarious intent. Projecting uncertain risk is legendary mind-washing technique. Make of it what you will in this context.
"A sophisticated control mechanism, but difficult to sustain. Too many folks sharing observations about conflicting views of the same event undermine its medium.
"What is next?"
"Maybe. Waiting is?"
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Democracy Confidential
"Why do people I present this to try to change the subject? I feel rejected. In my imaginary world I've convinced myself it is the best I have to offer."
"Did you use mouthwash?"
"Very funny. Tell me friend. Am I as useless as I feel right now?"
"Imagining receiving a Nobel Prize while standing alone in the woods, Eagle scout - merit badge and all - its probably not enough. Just sayin'."
Falling in love all over again? Yeah, sort of. By definition, it is different this time. The insect pests are all nervous like before, scurrying everywhere. Part of nature's dance I have been told. Embrace your enemy and happiness ensues. Feels like grok. Farble to some, nectar to others. What can I say?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"Did you use mouthwash?"
"Very funny. Tell me friend. Am I as useless as I feel right now?"
"Imagining receiving a Nobel Prize while standing alone in the woods, Eagle scout - merit badge and all - its probably not enough. Just sayin'."
Falling in love all over again? Yeah, sort of. By definition, it is different this time. The insect pests are all nervous like before, scurrying everywhere. Part of nature's dance I have been told. Embrace your enemy and happiness ensues. Feels like grok. Farble to some, nectar to others. What can I say?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Friday, December 28, 2012
Welcome to Humanity
"The scope of our discussion was constrained by the unilateral framing of the opposition. A clever trick if successful. Am I guilty of the same thing?
"Must it necessarily be so? I would suggest 'No' is the answer on both counts. I am open to heartfelt and competent arguments to the contrary."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Thursday, December 27, 2012
end of the line
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On this side things look different. Better methinks. |
"They are considered the top authority in our system. As nearly as I can tell, they don't really report to anybody but themselves and on occasion to a civil legal action. It is the rare individual in this group that rises above primitive desire and provides the enlightened anecdote that proves the rule. Do what is right. In the long run, the rest will take care of itself.
"I am prettysure a lack of feedback with teeth is a prescription for corruption. The situation is particularly profitable for predatory types unencumbered by a moral compass."
"The solution is to disrupt absorption of abuse by the end of the chain before it ceases to exist. A big opportunity for those who take a courageous and unconventional path."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Answer In Prineville
"With a cash hoard of that magnitude, think of the possibilities of an integrity play. Mind boggling."
"Authentic Identity, I would like you to meet Personal Empowerment.
"You both may be wondering why I suggested you meet. Let me answer that with this:
"I am pretty sure it was your idea and you did not realize it or didn't want us mere mortals in on the secret. I might be wrong."
Who would have thought to look to the Oregon Territory for some hint as to what was imminent. Folks that grok, one suspects.
Recent discoveries in nature's life code, DNA point to a 'map' that describes the next major cusp.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
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The Photon That Could :-) |
"You both may be wondering why I suggested you meet. Let me answer that with this:
"I am pretty sure it was your idea and you did not realize it or didn't want us mere mortals in on the secret. I might be wrong."
Who would have thought to look to the Oregon Territory for some hint as to what was imminent. Folks that grok, one suspects.
Recent discoveries in nature's life code, DNA point to a 'map' that describes the next major cusp.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Fast Track
"Think Brian Druker meet J. Craig Venter"
"Chances they already know each other. Molecular medicine, genome stuff etc."
"I was referring more to get 'er done Gangnum style. To important for business as usual."
"How so."
"High deliberate speed. Applications research - no unnecessary waiting. You may be right. Even with respect to a existing entrepreneurial bridge between the two. Perhaps we should make sure?"
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Shhhh ...
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How important is it? |
"If you can afford residence on K street, perhaps you do not have to be concerned with laws intended for lesser folk."
One might argue that the technique illustrated in this log entry is at the heart of what it is to COMMINICATE in-the-clear both the popular and subtle components simultaneously. It is a strategic play common to those who understand risk associated with an unknown capability of the competition.
For some, to repeat this seems redundant. Others, it may have more and different value. Communication implies something beyond just messaging. Further we have successfully argued that it is more than a mere transaction.
The technological and economic barriers to conversational marketing have melted away. A new paradigm now is beginning to dominate in pilot industries as the way to connect buyer and seller. Transparency is more effective than deception in making a sale.
"Yes, K street is in our nations capital which is, in turn, is owned by all the our citizens. One could say the landlord is the people, if they become aware of what ownership of the country entails. A breach of this is not a legitimate liberty ...
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Common Mistake Prevention
"The good person agenda provision has conflict-of-interest prevention at or near the top of the list.
"A definition of 'liberty' that includes tolerance of this famous duplicity is fundamentally flawed. Well meaning and thoughtful folks know better."
"A description of 'free market' that allows manipulation of this type is a cruel farce of the first order. And, frankly, a bit stupid.
"Someone whose birthday we celebrate today articulated just why this is so. Or so the highly successful legend goes. Think about it. And BTW, Happy Birthday Jesus!
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"A definition of 'liberty' that includes tolerance of this famous duplicity is fundamentally flawed. Well meaning and thoughtful folks know better."
"A description of 'free market' that allows manipulation of this type is a cruel farce of the first order. And, frankly, a bit stupid.
"Someone whose birthday we celebrate today articulated just why this is so. Or so the highly successful legend goes. Think about it. And BTW, Happy Birthday Jesus!
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Monday, December 24, 2012
Our Health
"Why might you want to participate in an organization whose sole reason for existence is to advocate for fair treatment for you and those you care about from the US health care system?"
"Because it is effective, nearly free and fair to each of the people who have joined. As the membership grows, the benefits do as well. Only the members derive such benefit since, by charter, that is all that is allowed. Yes Prudence, it is structured so that there are no passive investment profits to prevent conflict-of-interes.
"I will discuss in detail the 'magic sauce' that makes this possible later. Know that the component technologies, both hardware and software and including the network platform, exist today."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"Because it is effective, nearly free and fair to each of the people who have joined. As the membership grows, the benefits do as well. Only the members derive such benefit since, by charter, that is all that is allowed. Yes Prudence, it is structured so that there are no passive investment profits to prevent conflict-of-interes.
"I will discuss in detail the 'magic sauce' that makes this possible later. Know that the component technologies, both hardware and software and including the network platform, exist today."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Authentic Persona Fits Where?
"A dear friend whose doctorate is in computer science loaned me the book, On Intelligence. For me, machine intelligence is a fascinating topic. Ever since my interest in mind architecture (brain architecture to some) has been growing at the pace of the connectivity of the web (very fast.)
"Recently, an application for my work in the health care field became VERY personal. With it the realization there has not been a better time to put the compassionate aspect of that work to use. Bear with me. I have every intention of clearing up the confusion."
The celebration of a world famous birthday has diverted the attention of certain key folk to the universal message of goodwill. As well it should. Meanwhile, one of Santa's helpers with whom I am extraordinarily familiar, has been hard at work with a stocking stuffer that promises, hopefully, to blow your socks off. Stay tuned.
"Hawkins, Schmidt, Kurzweill ...", adding the names to the log cued the engine in the usual fashion. What a wonderful gift from kinder side of vigorous competition (maker rather than taker).
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"Recently, an application for my work in the health care field became VERY personal. With it the realization there has not been a better time to put the compassionate aspect of that work to use. Bear with me. I have every intention of clearing up the confusion."
The celebration of a world famous birthday has diverted the attention of certain key folk to the universal message of goodwill. As well it should. Meanwhile, one of Santa's helpers with whom I am extraordinarily familiar, has been hard at work with a stocking stuffer that promises, hopefully, to blow your socks off. Stay tuned.
"Hawkins, Schmidt, Kurzweill ...", adding the names to the log cued the engine in the usual fashion. What a wonderful gift from kinder side of vigorous competition (maker rather than taker).
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Big 4 does not include ...
"It does seem a bit odd, the interview dropped out-of-sight. As if it were taken down by some entity with extraordinary ability to remove something from the public domain and make it disappear, much like what the Man from Mars was able to do in "Stranger ...", Heinlein's masterwork."
"The Schmidt/Hollar dialog wasted not one word, in my opinion. An accurate portrayal of WHY the election unfolded the way it did. And too, why we have much for which to be encouraged in the coming years."
"Is it possible it was another 'soup' message leaked to a few for strategic purposes? And yes they do have the capability to scrub, or appear to have done so.", nothing like a little cloak and dagger/spy vs. spy intrigue to spark recall innovation, he mused. Because, you see, it was just imagination filling in the gaps until heuristics did the trick.
The preceding was an example of how recall can be hyped with the concept of a dialog the disrupts the masking ability of the human abstraction system. This method loosely described in this entry led to a link of said interview.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"The Schmidt/Hollar dialog wasted not one word, in my opinion. An accurate portrayal of WHY the election unfolded the way it did. And too, why we have much for which to be encouraged in the coming years."
"Is it possible it was another 'soup' message leaked to a few for strategic purposes? And yes they do have the capability to scrub, or appear to have done so.", nothing like a little cloak and dagger/spy vs. spy intrigue to spark recall innovation, he mused. Because, you see, it was just imagination filling in the gaps until heuristics did the trick.
The preceding was an example of how recall can be hyped with the concept of a dialog the disrupts the masking ability of the human abstraction system. This method loosely described in this entry led to a link of said interview.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Friday, December 21, 2012
The Seed
"Co-founder of the shoe 'bidness' and his wife make a substantial philanthropic contribution to "The Hill" focused on a bold mission to lead the world in an important health mission. Am I getting this about right?"
"Yes. Sort of."
Sensitive personal information. One person, one profile. Spectrum between public and very private access based on application customized identity tokens. Good fit for pilot project on several fronts.
"The practical matter is often that in certain industries, disruptive technology is dismissed for the operational convenience of the entrenched competition's management. How can one know if the self-serving interests of the powerful come at the expense of a deserving public? Let me just say, for that we came."
NOTE: Some of the foregoing in this BuzzTheHill post is not fictional. Consider its appearance here as a public disclosure and as such, to the degree something novel and not obvious to those skilled in the art has been discussed herein, the specific intent was/is to put it in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"Yes. Sort of."
Sensitive personal information. One person, one profile. Spectrum between public and very private access based on application customized identity tokens. Good fit for pilot project on several fronts.
"The practical matter is often that in certain industries, disruptive technology is dismissed for the operational convenience of the entrenched competition's management. How can one know if the self-serving interests of the powerful come at the expense of a deserving public? Let me just say, for that we came."
NOTE: Some of the foregoing in this BuzzTheHill post is not fictional. Consider its appearance here as a public disclosure and as such, to the degree something novel and not obvious to those skilled in the art has been discussed herein, the specific intent was/is to put it in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Well Lit
"I think they call that 'funny business'."
"Funny peculiar rather than funny humorous?"
"When it involves a life-threatening disease for one of the parties and lack of accountability for the other, I think so."
Arguments for an effective adjunct to free market capitalism are brought into sharp relief by the tendency for monied interests to dominate what would be an otherwise self-equalizing situation.
"Perhaps we should work this out in private so as to not upset folks needlessly."
"Actually, I think that quite the opposite would be true. Transparency is not negotiable from our point of view."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"Funny peculiar rather than funny humorous?"
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Patient Centered Advocacy ... |
Arguments for an effective adjunct to free market capitalism are brought into sharp relief by the tendency for monied interests to dominate what would be an otherwise self-equalizing situation.
"Perhaps we should work this out in private so as to not upset folks needlessly."
"Actually, I think that quite the opposite would be true. Transparency is not negotiable from our point of view."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
For Profit Or Not
"How might those of us enamored of the intrinsic value of each of our fellow humans assert such using the best of the modern tools available?" He was well aware, his trial intro may fall flat like so many before it. Each time, though, another clue was added to the mix.
The question occurred to him at the behest of kind individual just discovering the potential to change his family's fortune by 'leveraging' a personal asset. One particularly apropos to the mission of mutual empowerment.
His profile is one that would be difficult to say 'no' to even if the project did not have a potentially world changing gravitas.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Mine, all mine.
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Real America? |
"Who it belongs to is a matter of considerable dispute currently. In fact, I cannot remember a time when the concept of owner(s) was not in state of violent flux. Can you?"
A school of thought is that the mind we are beginning to know is a better model than anything we have been able to synthesize to date for vetting whether the traditional usage of the term needs a radical revision, should be discarded or somewhere in between.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Free Not Just Yet
"Can you really shed the chains of times past if you just ignore the damage for which you are responsible?"
Saying it was not meant to hurt. Quite the contrary. Having someone else take the fall, whether that person deserves it or not … No. Retroactive rationalization for a selfish act will not set the foundational stones of a functioning sentient straight. I suspect that is what you seek - to start clean.
From the other perspective, owning ones missteps and showing appropriate sensitivity to their consequences allows one to accept the miracle that is homo sapiens, warts and all.
"Grok to let go.", he advised. Decades have past. It feels like that the journey is nearly complete as the next one awaits.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Saying it was not meant to hurt. Quite the contrary. Having someone else take the fall, whether that person deserves it or not … No. Retroactive rationalization for a selfish act will not set the foundational stones of a functioning sentient straight. I suspect that is what you seek - to start clean.
From the other perspective, owning ones missteps and showing appropriate sensitivity to their consequences allows one to accept the miracle that is homo sapiens, warts and all.
"Grok to let go.", he advised. Decades have past. It feels like that the journey is nearly complete as the next one awaits.
On The Tip of My Tongue
"Maybe you are not understanding me. No surprise. I barely understand myself on such subjects even though they seem now to be a very big part of me."
Called away by more pressing matters, he was unable to finish his thought. Sure enough and much to his chagrin, he could not remember what was, preferably understood. The situation was written all over his face when they met again.
"When we were last together, I sensed you were about to pontificate on a subject of mutual interest?"
"Rumble, Rumble, Rumble", "Mutiny, Mutiny, Mutiny", he thought. Rumblings of mutiny. I am the captain and the crew. What might be amiss here?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Called away by more pressing matters, he was unable to finish his thought. Sure enough and much to his chagrin, he could not remember what was, preferably understood. The situation was written all over his face when they met again.
"When we were last together, I sensed you were about to pontificate on a subject of mutual interest?"
"Rumble, Rumble, Rumble", "Mutiny, Mutiny, Mutiny", he thought. Rumblings of mutiny. I am the captain and the crew. What might be amiss here?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Monday, December 17, 2012
Interrupt Operations
Her urgent request for permission to interrupt operations at such a time really got his attention.
"Yes. What is it?"
"I have reason to believe the Seattle activity we have been tracking is archiving for decryption and deep analysis purposes. Further, when Analytics tells us "not-set" is something that may be related as well."
He did not immediately understand the full significance of the news but suspected that finding out more justified delegating control ...
© 2012 Buzz Hill
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Identity Controlled Disclosure |
"I have reason to believe the Seattle activity we have been tracking is archiving for decryption and deep analysis purposes. Further, when Analytics tells us "not-set" is something that may be related as well."
He did not immediately understand the full significance of the news but suspected that finding out more justified delegating control ...
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Long Tunnel's Other End
"Yes I suppose, in theory, our resolve could start to fade tomorrow.
"But no one can take away today's courageous response or the memory of it. The sooner we memorialize the solidarity we have just experienced, the more durable the flame of hope becomes.
In the face of a cruel tragedy and cold cynicism is the antidote to the mindless march of entropy. Encourage your family and friends to keep the ember aglow. You will not be disappointed that you made your heart heard so that the other's can beat in synchrony.
"Though it will become easier with time, you can accelerate the recovery process by looking to the path less traveled. I would argue that if you have read this far, your effort will soon be rewarded."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"But no one can take away today's courageous response or the memory of it. The sooner we memorialize the solidarity we have just experienced, the more durable the flame of hope becomes.
In the face of a cruel tragedy and cold cynicism is the antidote to the mindless march of entropy. Encourage your family and friends to keep the ember aglow. You will not be disappointed that you made your heart heard so that the other's can beat in synchrony.
"Though it will become easier with time, you can accelerate the recovery process by looking to the path less traveled. I would argue that if you have read this far, your effort will soon be rewarded."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
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Stranger? |
"Are we tacking to a Bible vector?", she asked.
"Not intentionally, no ..."
"We are struck by the parallels between now and a half century ago. Psudeo-science is alive and well as it is fed, no surprise, a steady diet of academic arrogance and hubris by the usual suspects.
"Recall that our delicate blue planet's sentient beings were put in peril by, in part, human's most monstrous science and technology in the years of Camelot.
Now, five decades later, we are told some details that are not entirely reassuring, Prudence.
"Is it me, or do some important things now feel like then? Would that I could ask he who wrote 'oddity of distorted entropy', are we better yet? Maybe in another half century, if that is not too late."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Change Must Come
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Our home, our children ... |
"It is based on the simple concept that we can no longer afford very wealthy 'takers'. They are, on average and as a group, far too removed from the consequences of their large mistakes.
There are, of course, notable exceptions But it does not change the insularity so easily resulting from exhorbitent wealth."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Value Proposition
"A measure of today's modern networked personal device: How well does it know you?
"If the device does not belong to you, it will rely primarily on the network to establish who you are. If it is yours, local encrypted storage speeds up the recognition process. I would ask Facebook first if I knew how. It is because of Sheryl's reputation and because she came from Google.
"A task need not wait for a complex procedure to confirm who is performing it in order to begin the process. Even more important when authentic identity is essential to the protocol. Let me explain how ..."
What best answers the question "Who". Some might say genome. Others, history. Most would acknowledge an entry of a four digit pin is adequate for some tasks. "Who" in this case is highly context dependent. A device's machine intelligence to deal with this fact is a critical component of successful deployment of what Kurzweil has described as the "Singularity", some believe.
NOTE: Some of the foregoing in this BuzzTheHill post is not fictional. Consider its appearance here as a public disclosure and as such, to the degree something novel and not obvious to those skilled in the art has been discussed herein, the specific intent was/is to put it in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"If the device does not belong to you, it will rely primarily on the network to establish who you are. If it is yours, local encrypted storage speeds up the recognition process. I would ask Facebook first if I knew how. It is because of Sheryl's reputation and because she came from Google.
"A task need not wait for a complex procedure to confirm who is performing it in order to begin the process. Even more important when authentic identity is essential to the protocol. Let me explain how ..."
What best answers the question "Who". Some might say genome. Others, history. Most would acknowledge an entry of a four digit pin is adequate for some tasks. "Who" in this case is highly context dependent. A device's machine intelligence to deal with this fact is a critical component of successful deployment of what Kurzweil has described as the "Singularity", some believe.
NOTE: Some of the foregoing in this BuzzTheHill post is not fictional. Consider its appearance here as a public disclosure and as such, to the degree something novel and not obvious to those skilled in the art has been discussed herein, the specific intent was/is to put it in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Informed Faith?
"I assume that what we are seeing on the system monitor expresses some out of the ordinary equalizing activity in the soup. I am inclined to speculate that the now outdated safety boundaries have started to spontaneously dissolve as part of an emancipation event of sorts.
"If true, the related back story might go something like this ..."
This first of several presentations, acknowledged as others would, the unusual machine presentation output. It in turn was seen by all to be extraordinary. Though they were just beginning to unravel why.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Dynamic Templates
It could be described as real-time perception largely guided by patterns that emerged from related experience and all but invisible to the current conscious awareness of the subject.
"Greatly expanded opportunities for exploitation born of intentional cognitive overload?"
"It appears so."
Growing up in a town famous for building calibrated instruments, he was mightily impressed when introduced to its sophisticated technology assisted application on the self ("To thine ownself be true". )
'Who' is a moving target -- as life is change. A process, not an event. Come back often to learn the art of watching the garden grow.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
"Sequenced, reversible, high sensitivity testing, visibility, grow in-vitro." The words on the post-it were scribbled in a hurry and intended to jog his memory. "Identity tags" for stuff in flux, he thought.
The message's meaning would fade quickly if it was not likely to occupy top-of-mind for a sustained period. The log was as good a repository as any available to mitigate the 'leak'.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
The message's meaning would fade quickly if it was not likely to occupy top-of-mind for a sustained period. The log was as good a repository as any available to mitigate the 'leak'.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Dark Brother
"... and Hillary will be asking the most able among you to step up, I suspect."
Is it because the enlightened portion is mostly attached to the top? It is this last to come and the first to go in the cycle of ordinary life. The biological information processing infrastructure, after all, has evolved to carry on, generation after generation. Durability is the province of the long-lived. And this is so whether truly worthy or not … at least in isolation.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Sound of Light
"Daydreaming", friend or foe?" Could be either. But a past association with a traumatic outcome could bias her preconception in a decidedly negative direction. Yet for him, the good stuff came from there too. Along the way, relationships. Three of particular note. Today their flame burns bright, like the light house on a stormy night.
"We learned to navigate the tricky journey of uncertainty and have stumbled upon its awesome reward. Make yourself comfortable, the story I am about to tell will surely delight those of you ..."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"We learned to navigate the tricky journey of uncertainty and have stumbled upon its awesome reward. Make yourself comfortable, the story I am about to tell will surely delight those of you ..."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Monday, December 10, 2012
We Didn't Mean That!
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Trust me. Its real. |
Back to the task at hand he asked, "The result of a dogma's unintended parasitic effect? It seems the closer one gets to the major handles, the higher the risk of co-opted meta functions (like reproduction)."
Her non-verbal reaction suggested to him that they may be, at long last, on the same page conceptually but the words alone weren't there yet. Still stuck but different.
Aggressive proselytizing and its reaction took on a life of its own. About which relationship? Freedom to claim a home belonging also to non-believers is freedom of religion?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Unusual Job
"So, if my job at, say, Facebook was to be on the prowl for the bearer of company relevant 'seeds' this might be interesting." She gestured to the screen content wherein an odd seeming sort of person had haltingly described a quest. One might observe that it would be 'appetizing' to an R and D explorer.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Inexorable But Gentle Trend
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Beauty of Quantum as Analog |
One could not help but to notice a visible grimace from a portion of the audience, "What does that mean? I need to focus on answers. My manager's job description is clear, sell more stuff - no matter what it takes."
Meanwhile, enlightened management also listening has figured out that a predatory model is not very conducive to collaborative output, yet that seems to be where we are going as a society - away from a top-down structure. Moreover, the benefits of the new direction accrue more rapidly to the larger shared scope we will soon discuss.
Bottom line? High earners looking to mitigate the impact of both partners working long hours to make a 'good' living could actually live well if a personally tailored package of services were available in as close to a turn-key fashion as possible.
Healthy, tasty meals for the family, a couple or a busy individual delivered to the home could be one such service.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Friday, December 7, 2012
Taste of Love
"Sat down to an extraordinarily tasty lunch today. Started with the wild rice dish. One of my favorites. The warmth and affection baked-in seemed to dance on my taste buds. While not the first time I have had this sensation with one of her specialty dishes, today's lunch stood out. The joy of receiving this gift from her is, literally, indescribable (I suspect less so as I become more adept at articulating the joy that is eating).
"I so seldom write about food. Maybe that should change. At the moment I am doing this, I am gazing at the half-eaten bowl of bean soup she made to complement the rice. No hurry to consume such culinary beauty (important to us nervous eaters). Though a solitary meal tonight, I did not and do not feel alone. It is that good."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"I so seldom write about food. Maybe that should change. At the moment I am doing this, I am gazing at the half-eaten bowl of bean soup she made to complement the rice. No hurry to consume such culinary beauty (important to us nervous eaters). Though a solitary meal tonight, I did not and do not feel alone. It is that good."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Because Good Says So
"The detail is missing from the online publication."
"In some cases, yes. In others, it is distributed throughout the log. The presentation is a stream. The format, for the most part, emerged. One could say it lacks structure. Another point of view suggests that something of value is manifesting in its place. It might well be an important aspect of the log's mission.
"Can I get you another blanket for your nap?". A grok joke, as in: things that can't be understood tend to put some folks asleep.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Unfettered Thought Diversity, Filtered Later
"Not as much where it is but more about 'who' it is.
"Magic bullet guided by immune system cooperating with conscious technology. Train the latter with a system that include a grown in-vitro subset of the malignant environment. It averages/correlates the useful identifying signature(s) to distinguish them from the 'noise'". From them a modulated source sets up the desired resonance that disables uncontrolled cell replication.
Taylor the 'sunlight' organically.
NOTE: Some of the foregoing in this BuzzTheHill post is not fictional. Consider its appearance here as a public disclosure and as such, to the degree something novel and not obvious to those skilled in the art has been discussed herein, the specific intent was/is to put it in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"Magic bullet guided by immune system cooperating with conscious technology. Train the latter with a system that include a grown in-vitro subset of the malignant environment. It averages/correlates the useful identifying signature(s) to distinguish them from the 'noise'". From them a modulated source sets up the desired resonance that disables uncontrolled cell replication.
Taylor the 'sunlight' organically.
NOTE: Some of the foregoing in this BuzzTheHill post is not fictional. Consider its appearance here as a public disclosure and as such, to the degree something novel and not obvious to those skilled in the art has been discussed herein, the specific intent was/is to put it in the PUBLIC DOMAIN.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Monday, December 3, 2012
Start Where?
"Patient advocacy and online authentic identity. What might they have in common? Possibly that each could act as a catalyst for the other in spawning the next big milestone in a key component of life's journey? And, of course, possibly not.
"Must man's best technology be in lieu of nature's instruments? Or is the former a natural, if initially tenuous, extension of the other?"
It could be argued that each of us has a deep interest in the well being of other individuals owing to their current underrepresentation here. Health, longevity and compassion are key examples.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"Must man's best technology be in lieu of nature's instruments? Or is the former a natural, if initially tenuous, extension of the other?"
It could be argued that each of us has a deep interest in the well being of other individuals owing to their current underrepresentation here. Health, longevity and compassion are key examples.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Not A Subset, if Possible
"She advises something to the effect, "assert your claim to dignity in that context every time." Privilege or right, we are fortunate that is possible where we live. It is so largely because a certain society has been given its own impression that the human entity is worthy of such consideration.
"And yet, advocacy that 'others' are not worthy has had a very long historical run."
Turning the corner on this one seems an idea whose time has come, he thought - and from a position of relative strength. Best described as a tipping point or perhaps critical mass ... or just wishful thinking?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"And yet, advocacy that 'others' are not worthy has had a very long historical run."
Turning the corner on this one seems an idea whose time has come, he thought - and from a position of relative strength. Best described as a tipping point or perhaps critical mass ... or just wishful thinking?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Saturday, December 1, 2012
"Sift through this." he dropped the volume just far enough from the table surface so the thud it created served to emphasize its implicitly ponderous length. "You are not likely to sense the unifying thread. With certain supporting background, patterns start to emerge. Still no visible connections evident, though. With the key code, supposedly the meme track (or tracks) will be revealed.
"The problem is that the cypher code was misplaced or lost?"
"Not exactly."
"Reasonable to ask if the latest events mean a re-alignment of expectations are in order. But then, a case could also be made that just these circumstances were forecast to occur." A dramatic flourish, as it were.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"The problem is that the cypher code was misplaced or lost?"
"Not exactly."
"Reasonable to ask if the latest events mean a re-alignment of expectations are in order. But then, a case could also be made that just these circumstances were forecast to occur." A dramatic flourish, as it were.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Good News
"With any luck at all, we can bury it in analysis in short order."
"On second thought, that is becoming unbearably tedious. Next page."
His suggestion yesterday about a 'compromise' was greeted with her smile. The smile, something he treasured from the beginning. Was it 50 years ago or yesterday? Does it matter?
Same day, same station. His friend tells a familiar story. This time from the perspective of an affected father. The word "magic" caught his ear. Further, it was in the context of 'the caring profession'.
Scope of the observable 'soup' as herein described has been officially broached. Mashup anyone?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"On second thought, that is becoming unbearably tedious. Next page."
His suggestion yesterday about a 'compromise' was greeted with her smile. The smile, something he treasured from the beginning. Was it 50 years ago or yesterday? Does it matter?
Same day, same station. His friend tells a familiar story. This time from the perspective of an affected father. The word "magic" caught his ear. Further, it was in the context of 'the caring profession'.
Scope of the observable 'soup' as herein described has been officially broached. Mashup anyone?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Friday, November 30, 2012
Show is over, work begins.
"So, the answer is a different kind of yes. Unexpected."
"The job is not to just win the opportunity. The job is to finish by turning that opportunity into a lasting victory. A sustainable perception of win transcends fads, propaganda and the like. Evergreen so to speak. Fashion celebrates change for its own sake. Meaningful change on a larger scale is different. I think, better. Agree?
"There are those who believe that the right kind of character, at the right time, can change the course of the planet's history. Those folk look to be rolling up their sleeves. Little time left to waste on the futile games of blame. Or for the non-inclusive short-cut agendas masquerading as viable alternatives."
Having only dabbled in the possibilities of empowered mind over last several years, there was only enough time to test against the recently assembled massive data set. Was the identity vector exploration just a rabbit trail? The jury is still out, one guesses.
There is the possibility that said query was inadequately defined for the intended purpose.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Vibratory Destruction
A fascinating discussion for me really. I found him very engaging. The level of ambiguity indicative of uncertainty in my model of the identity. For a bit my mind wandered off into a more thorough exploration of what that might mean.
Single and authentic are surely not the same thing in the identity level under consideration. Yet when it comes to attaching a convenient token to a dynamic being, it is often what is sought?
Replicating useful class identities is foundational to life as we know it, organic. But at a metaphorical right angle something with an entirely different 'value' is suggested.
Like the cold east wind, a foreboding presence caught my attention. "Don't look there", it seemed to say. The brief demands of this nature generated stored rationales that had been laying on-the-shelf for years.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Single and authentic are surely not the same thing in the identity level under consideration. Yet when it comes to attaching a convenient token to a dynamic being, it is often what is sought?
Replicating useful class identities is foundational to life as we know it, organic. But at a metaphorical right angle something with an entirely different 'value' is suggested.
Like the cold east wind, a foreboding presence caught my attention. "Don't look there", it seemed to say. The brief demands of this nature generated stored rationales that had been laying on-the-shelf for years.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Take Good Care of Her
"So it is with a newly humble awareness that I ask this of you. No scenario I can currently imagine would be complete without it.
"It is because I am better for having been touched by their lives that I request such. I am hopeful, all will be brighter as a result."
Can the form of identity be what what we sincerely choose it to be and achieve the network effects discussed so far? Some think not, others not sure. Discovering the scope of doubt goes with the territory. Easier to handle with little to lose?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"It is because I am better for having been touched by their lives that I request such. I am hopeful, all will be brighter as a result."
Can the form of identity be what what we sincerely choose it to be and achieve the network effects discussed so far? Some think not, others not sure. Discovering the scope of doubt goes with the territory. Easier to handle with little to lose?
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Mysterious Candor
"Many of the answers you are seeking are probably, more or less, embedded in the log. And know that what is not said speaks volumes.
"With regard to the mirror on each side of the soup divide: something important may be missing. With a robust tool of the type I assume exists, one might 'see' just where to look for such entities. The appropriate map would infer candidate conceptual adjacencies."
"Are you referring to the places the especially fearful dare not acknowledge?"
"Well yes, but I was afraid to say so directly." he said with a sheepish smile.
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Not Venus, I am pretty sure. |
"Are you referring to the places the especially fearful dare not acknowledge?"
"Well yes, but I was afraid to say so directly." he said with a sheepish smile.
Giving Thanks
"Stand back! This one will stand alone. At least to the degree I am capable of making it so."
"This is what I think I know of love so far. My words have not taken me there yet. My heart, a different story -- I just checked. It feels risky for me to say how much I revere what this union has produced. Just a simple "I love you" seems not enough.
"Our only (pictured with us below) inspires me more than I can express (though I will keep trying).
Three females (wife, daughter, cosmic dog) sealed with a kiss."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"This is what I think I know of love so far. My words have not taken me there yet. My heart, a different story -- I just checked. It feels risky for me to say how much I revere what this union has produced. Just a simple "I love you" seems not enough.
"Our only (pictured with us below) inspires me more than I can express (though I will keep trying).
Three females (wife, daughter, cosmic dog) sealed with a kiss."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
![]() |
Think of it as food for this. |
"The Invention is a story about friends that derive joy from their relationships and mutual passion for collaboration to create the next big thing.
"The idea only works if it is basically true that generating value from something really new is usually a solo and therefor often a lonely pursuit."
Just how universal is the perception that creating is unnatural and highly dangerous pastime and should be reserved for supervised children, she wondered.
Meanwhile the invention to which we refer is -- wait for it -- unwritten.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Profound Victory
"Should we discuss the following in terms of genome as protagonist and its ugly malignant antagonist?"
A rational thread runs through it. Is that now unraveling? One way to think about the question, a recycle routine prepares the now obsolete substance for re-use based on performance during the just ended cycle.
To the degree this is a smart step and conscious (managed with compassion) the outcome becomes better than the default. Or not. Discuss.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
A rational thread runs through it. Is that now unraveling? One way to think about the question, a recycle routine prepares the now obsolete substance for re-use based on performance during the just ended cycle.
To the degree this is a smart step and conscious (managed with compassion) the outcome becomes better than the default. Or not. Discuss.
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Ideal Venue?
"We decided to hold the war right here in town. If the two main advesaries are, say, Capitol Hill and K-Street ... Ok, let me think of a better example and we will come back to it.
"Having it here lowers fuel costs, not to mention carbon footprint. This place is already wired extensively for media coverage. TV rights alone may cover a large corrupt private contractor payroll.
"Folks in the talent pool don't even need to move their families when an employment contract expires."
A knock on the control room door meant that she had the new war promos in hand. She handed him the identifying thumb drive. The simultaneous mount of both hers and his authorized immediate playback on the large screen.
From it, the trailer's narrative began. "Its a New War. And you, my fellow American are invited to watch from the convenience of your living room or den."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
"Having it here lowers fuel costs, not to mention carbon footprint. This place is already wired extensively for media coverage. TV rights alone may cover a large corrupt private contractor payroll.
"Folks in the talent pool don't even need to move their families when an employment contract expires."
A knock on the control room door meant that she had the new war promos in hand. She handed him the identifying thumb drive. The simultaneous mount of both hers and his authorized immediate playback on the large screen.
From it, the trailer's narrative began. "Its a New War. And you, my fellow American are invited to watch from the convenience of your living room or den."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
Exceptional for Whom?
"Easy question to answer. No? Sort of like, 'Fiscal cliff for whom?"
"Meeting tonight. It would be the first in a long while for me. It may not be related.
"Conversation as manufacturing output is non-sequitor, right?"
"Sorry, I needn't be facetious."
Talking past each other in an effort to fool an audience that is not really paying attention. Purporting that a consensus building interchange is occurring and if anything that really matters comes up, audience members can jump-in as appropriate.
"We have trained experts to do what is needed so that all you really have to do is follow orders."
© 2012 Buzz Hill
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