Monday, June 13, 2011

Art of Meme Distribution

If the truth does not make it to market, why do people who should know better think more of it alone will help? Build it and they will come? Not if they don't know where to find it and propose a fair exchange of value to acquire it.

"I will tell you all you need to know."
If I say 'Reality Distortion Field' what do you, or perhaps, who do you think of? When precisely the same occurs for energy market manipulation purposes, what or who do you think of? How about job creation? The template follows a familiar pattern. One of its key parameters describes a point on the illumination continuum, from in-the-dark to fully-lit.

Is seeing something in a positive light a distorted view? Is encouraging such a view deception? Is it not dependent on the content? And who decides its value and under what circumstances?

Best Light
I suspect there is a larger than expected consensus on the answers to most of those questions. By carefully avoiding such considerations, those who would deceive are able to suggest incomplete concepts in a light that evokes a group's opinion without engaging analytic thought. Even groups who pride themselves for their critical thinking skills are often duped.

The emerging solution to this misuse of meme propagation is technology assisted conversation. With the requisite attention to system integrity and wide distribution, the 'good guys' superior numbers will win the day for the foreseeable future.

The question challenging this game change is improving the system so that is not nearly so vulnerable to manipulation as it has been.

© 2011 Buzz Hill

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