Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Lotus

Later that day, they planned to see yet another female of deep character. Her profession was one of nurturance and care, and she like few others practicing it had elevated it to high art through her spiritual depth. She practiced her belief in the dignity of others and now it was opportunity for them to recognize her for it. Her smile, in essence, told them she had received all the recognition anyone, certainly she, could ask. But in what would be considered by most her moment of need, she was giving that others would see the light too, and by it become happy.

Normally, going to see a dear friend who had been hospitalized for over a month would be a down experience. But this was so very different. Everything coming from that building about her had a cosmic smile to it. And as of this time, a solution to what put her there in the first place had not been found. This was not the first time they experienced a miracle of this type. It was the second in five years.

All three would go on this unseasonably warm and sunny day in February. Like those irresistible puppies they would see every couple of weeks, the experience was likely to have something very good for the people who were looking for it. Spiritual without religious baggage.

A nice break from the weighty issues of the work week. Once again their complementarity shown like the garden through the seasons in a region lucky enough to have seasons. All is beautiful with a wide enough lens.

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