Friday, February 25, 2011

Make Believe

Throttling scarcity by controlling demand. Sounds a little suspect? Perception elasticity is larger than is generally acknowledged in many fields. There are some very notable choke points in society's extended perception. Very little energy is needed to adjust flow at such points.

Narrative implies flow.

"… art for frames."

"Why? That is just inappropriate."

"Troublemaker, this is why your kind needs to be managed.", Wamsley and Williams notwithstanding, this person was not the first person to suggest it.

As we talked about before, management is vertical (the gravity vector). This time, consider the horizontal plane as creativity. The strong suggestion is we have been too "heavy". We need to lighten up, collaborate, treat each other as being on the same plane.

Real But Hidden?
Gravity this close to the singularity is nothing to sneeze at. But it is optional in a grand scheme known as mind. Some would argue, embodied mind. It can be useful to look at it that way. I prefer for the purpose of practical reconciliation to consider, 'embodied reality'.

"Yesterday evening, we were downtown for a lecture that was an important variation on, as I prefer to view it, embodied reality. Its the part we can imagine that is, at least now, beyond what we can observe. The best questions came from those not yet encumbered with 'can't'." One was not even tall enough to reach the microphone without help. It seems a multiverse takes a very big imagination.

"Just a couple of days ago, one could interpret an impassioned pronouncement as essentially negating anything not observed as not having happened. I don't suspect it is what he really intended to assert but it seems to beg clarification."

© 2011 Buzz Hill

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