Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cosmic Lunch

"Yes there, in the near future."
As I write this, a view into sunlit trees from a manmade cacoon, suitable for a country lunch.  The temperature mild and the breeze just right. It is not always so. But today, the 'barn door' is open.

"We can have some control?", his question explicit.  

"Yes, some."

Architecting a new framework with big data, efficiently and flexibly organized. Each node with visibility to all aspects of The Machine. Any scale and updatable. Supervised, not just as some childhood toy though it might be fun to play and learn.

The primal pattern and the memes to support it.  Limitations of not-software keep change manageable. High frequency trading out of touch with accumulated wisdom. The occasional soft variation, sometimes disruptive.

What we see is, like it or not, filtered.  If one assumes that it is a requirement, then who or what decides which filters and when?

Informed faith seems to be saying, trust that meme medium, that metaphysical aspect of economy. Choosing permanent leadership is foolish for those whose very existence embodies change. Lifetimes are in lieu of chaos my friend.

We adopt repetitive patterns to sustain infrastructure. Societal norms, customs, ethnicity, gender, 'accepted' science, accepted this or that.

Useful and potentially dangerous perpetual agents of change. Necessary but insufficient. To cap off this contraption we have some magic sauce.  It covers and connects its elegantly organized history. And in so doing creates a highly autonomous change agent, capable of great mischief creation .. and mischief.

Riding upon a sea of great experience and look up. Does she even know that I am here? Probably not, at least until the siren goes off. It rarely happens and is almost always due to the mechanism below.

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